Myriam Diocaretz’s early work focused on critical theory, comparative studies and the semiotics of culture. 
Her current research interests explore the relationships between culture and the new information and communication technologies in a knowledge-based economy; the new social orders that emerge, and the ways in which society and digital processes influence one another. Specific areas include: the human-digital interactions, human aspects of information technology, digital culture, e-publishing, digital uses of texts, social robotics, trust and security, and the Digital Agenda for Europe.

Some publications include:

Myriam Diocaretz, and H. Jaap van den Herik, Rhythms and Robot Relations
International Journal of Social Robotics, Volume 1,Number 3 / August 2009, Journal no. 12369, 205-265, Springer, Netherlands. Published online: 6 August 2009.
Open Access:
Available for download in this website:
“Rhythms and Robot Relations,” Myriam Diocaretz and H.Jaap van den Herik, Introduction to the Special Issue, 1: 205–208, DOI 10.1007/s12369-009-0027-1,
© The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at
The full special edition is available online:

The 5th European Public Lending Right Conference Proceedings 2008 - Bucharest 19-21 September 2008. Myriam Diocaretz, editor, digital publication, European Writers’ Congress, The European Writer: ISSN 1560-4217.
Proceedings of the 4th European Public Lending Right Conference- Budapest 20-22 April 2007, Myriam Diocaretz, editor, digital publication June 2007, European Writers’ Congress. June 2007.
The Matrix in Theory, ed. Myriam Diocaretz with  Stefan Herbrechter, Rodopi, New York/Amsterdam, 2006.

Myriam Diocaretz, “Interactivity and the Information Society Technological Imaginary”, Acta Poetica 27 (1), Homenaje a M.-Pierrette Malcuzynski, Primavera, 2006: 115-139.
Available for download here

Photo ©2007 Martha Morais
Poetry has been a major stream of constant strength for Myriam. For her, "a poem can be one of your greatest guides, as we need guides to be: inspiring and liberating." She particularly enjoys listening to poetry (being read outloud). Moreover, reading her poetry to actual audiences is a joy and a necessary process for the poems to become alive.
Recent key events in which she has participated include the 8th edition of the International Festival and Colloquium "Days and Nights of Literature" on the Black Sea Coast, 2009, invited by the Writers' Union of Romania, and the VI International Festival of Poets in Coimbra, Portugal (2007).
Selections of her poetry in Spanish or translated into English, Romanian, Portuguese, Croatian, Dutch have been published in several countries.  
2011: Barbara Glenn Momaday’s translations of Myriam Diocaretz’s poetry
A series of ten poems originally written by Myriam Diocaretz for the joint exhibition of batik collages and poems with Danish artist Lone Ehlers, has been published in English, translated by poet Barbara Glenn Momaday (1942-2008), included in her  posthumous book Poems Before Easter, Foreword by N. Scott Momaday, Introduction by Kenneth Fields. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2011. Pp. 88-107.
Barbara Glenn was a Stegner Fellow and Myriam Diocaretz a Fulbright Fellow in the English Department at Stanford University in 1974; in 1978 they came across each other again at the University of California at Irvine. Myriam shared with Barbara several of her then unpublished poems in manuscript form, and lost the original versions at the time when her voluntary exile began. Only in 2010, when contacted by the publisher of Poems Before Easter, did Myriam discover that Barbara had faithfully kept Myriam’s original manuscripts and her own translations of the poems into English. Unfortunately, Barbara passed away in 2008. The dialogue continues, through the book.
The poems chosen by Barbara Glenn were later published in slightly different versions in Que no se pueden decir, Myriam Diocaretz's first book of poems (New York, 1982). The poem “Hunger”, also included in Glenn’s selection, was unpublished until now, although it had been frequently included in Myriam’s poetry readings in California.
 — “Horologium”, from IR (Madrid: Torremozas), translated by Karen Bomain, Latin American Literary Review, Vol. 17, Nr. 34, Jul.-Dec.   
IKON (New York, Summer/Fall, 1983, 1985), selections translated by Susan Sherman and Sarah Miles.
—A selection from La galaxia de los tiempos, in the anthology of "Days and Nights of Literature", 2009.
—A selection, in Poesia do Mundo 6. Antologia bilingüe, sexto encontro internacional de poetas 2007 Coimbra, edited by Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos, with the collaboration of Adriana Bebiano, Graςa Capinha, Isabel Pedro, João Paulo Moreira, Maria Jose Canelo, Ed. Palimage,  Coimbra, 2010, pp. 132-139.
REPUBLIKA, Myriam Diocaretz, NEMIR GALEBA, Prijevod (translated by) Zeljka LOVRENCIC, Zagreb, 2014, ISSN 0350 1337, 70-75.
KNJIZEVNA SMOTRA (Croatia, 1991) and radio programs featuring her poetry in Croatia (1991), translated by Mirjana Polić Bobić. 

Mr.  J. Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission organised a lunch-debate on literary translation in the Berlaymont Building, Brussels, in November 2008. For this event he and the EC selected 16 literary European personalities (poets, a film producer, publishers, critics), including Myriam Diocaretz. Two photos of that event are included here.

The two pictures above were taken in Menorca, where photographer Toni Vidal held an exhibition of his portraits and photos of women, (also shown elsewhere later) and selected women writers from Spain. Myriam Diocaretz has collaborated with Toni by contributing with a poem in one of his books about the rocks and stones of Menorca. Toni is a great friend of poets and as such he usually includes poetic texts to go along with the photos in his publications. During this exhibition, he combined the portrait photography with printed sheets of poems and texts by some of the writers included in the exhibition. The poems and texts were hanging, like a wash of clothes, along the exhibition hall. In these two photos, Myriam Diocaretz is holding her own poems.

1. Poetry/Fiction Books by Myriam Diocaretz

—La inquietud de la gaviota, Madrid: Torremozas, 2014.
La Galaxia de los Tiempos, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Palma de Mallorca: Cuadernos Literarios de Caligrama, 1993
—El arco, la flecha, el blanco Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Madrid: Editorial Orígenes, 1988
—IR, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Madrid: Torremozas, 1987
—Que no se pueden decir, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz New York: Península Publishing, 1982 

Selections of her poetry have been published in many anthologies including Bajo los Puentes del Drina (Spain), Letras Femeninas de América, ed. Victoria Urbano (Uruguay 1981), Latin American Literary Review (USA 1989), Nueva Poesía Femenina Chilena, ed. Juan Villegas (Chile 1985), NIMROD: Latin-American Voices After the Boom (Tulsa USA 1983), Cuentos: Stories by Latinas ed. A Gomez, Cherrie Moraga, M. Romo-Carmona Kitchen Table/Women of Color Press (New York USA), Voices of Women: Poetry by and About Thirld World Women, WIRE (New York 1983). Some of the earlier journals include: Letras femeninas (Texas), Análisis (República Dominicana), Mairena (Puerto Rico), Third Woman  (Indiana University), Resumen literario (Spain), Foro Literario (Uruguay), Diálogos (México), Alba de América (California).

2. Criticism/Theory Books by Myriam Diocaretz
  • Internet, Development and Education at Higher Education Institutions in Latin America: Case Studies of Chile and Brazil (empirical and critical policy study),  Myriam Diocaretz 2002, published on-line in the Infonomics wesite.
  • Per una poetica della differenza. Il testo sociale nella scrittura delle donne,  Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz, Translated into Italian by Liana Borghi and Liliana Losi, Firenze: Estro Editrice, 1989
  • Translating Poetic Discourse: Questions on Feminist Strategies in Adrienne Rich, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1985
  • The Transforming Power of Language: The Poetry of Adrienne Rich, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Utrecht: HES, 1984
  • Reading and Writing in the Act of Translation, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Ph.D. Thesis Ann Arbor: UMI, 1983

3. Books edited and co-edited by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz

  • The Matrix in Theory, Ed. Myriam Diocaretz & Stefan Herbrechter, Editions Rodopi: New York/Amsterdam, 2006.
  • Joyful Babel : Translating Hélène Cixous, Ed. Myriam Diocaretz & Marta Segarra, Editions Rodopi: New York/Amsterdam, 2004
  • Breve Historia Feminista de la Literatura Española (en Lengua Castellana). Vol. I Teoría Feminista: Discursos y Diferencia. Enfoques Feministas de la Literatura Espaňola Edited by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Iris M. Zavala. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1993
  • Discurso Erótico y Discurso Transgresor en la Cultura Peninsular Siglos XI al XX Edited by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Iris M. Zavala. Madrid: Tuero, 1992. Essays by: Javier Aparicio Maydeu, Julio Rodríguez Puértolas, Maria Grazia Profeti, Rosa Rossi, Jean-François Botrel, Serge Salaün, Iris M. Zavala, Manuel Abellán, Ana Maria Moix
  • Hélène Cixous, Chemins d'une écriture Edited by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Françoise van Rossum-Guyon, Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Saint-Denis & Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1990
  • The Bakhtin Circle Today Edited by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz, Critical Studies Special Issue, Vol. 1, No.2, Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1989. Available again from 2004.
  • Approaches to Discourse, Poetics, and Psychiatry Edited by  I. M. Zavala, Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Teun A. van Dijk, coordinated by Bill Dotson Smith. Critical Theory 4. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987
  • Molinos: La Mujer en Cambio Coordinated by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz, Special Issue, Amsterdam: Ed. Molinos de Viento, March 1986. Authors include: Lidia Falcón, Adrienne Rich, Cristina Peri-Rossi, Iris M. Zavala, Aurora de Albornoz, Esther Tusquets, Troetje Loewenthal, Ana Sebastián, Antoinette Verwey, Ivonne Bordelois, Hermien Gaikhorst, and the editor.
  • Women, Feminist Identity and Society in the 1980's: Selected Papers Proceedings of the First Utrecht Summer School, University of Utrecht. Edited by Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and I. M. Zavala. Critical Theory 1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1985. Authors included: KeyNote Address by Adrienne Rich. Essays by Rosalind Coward, Cecilia Medina, Philomena Essed, Michelle Cliff, Iris M. Zavala and M. Diocaretz.

4. Books by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz as poetry editor and translator

Aire y Ángeles
Edited and Translated by Myriam Diocaretz, Colección Mitos Poesía 28, Madrid: Grijalbo Mondadori, 1999. Poetry anthology about angels.
"En griego, ángel quiere decir mensajero. En esta selección los mensajeros de los ángeles son cuarenta y un poetas que, en algún momento de sus vidas, sintieron la presencia real del ángel bajo sus múltiples formas caído, de la muerte y de la vida, guardián, del bien y del mal... y la reflejaron por medio de la palabra. Desde Dante hasta la recientemente fallecida Maria-Mercè Marçal, la voz de los ángeles (y de sus demonios) se deja sentir en toda su belleza."

Adrienne Rich, Antología Poética 1951-1981
Selección y Traducción de Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz, Madrid: Visor, 1986, Colección Visor de Poesía, 205. Foreword by A. Rich.
Excerpt: "Estoy especialmente agradecida que la traductora de esta antología para el mundo hispanohablante --donde la poesía se tiene en tan gran estima-- sea ella misma una poeta y una crítica literaria, hacia cuya inteligencia y sensibilidad siento un profundo respeto. Su cuidado y esmero en el acto de traducir es de por sí revelador." Adrienne Rich, Junio de 1984

5. Essays by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz: Scholarly/Critical Studies (this list as not been updated - it lists essays until 1997)

"De Weg naar het Trion", in Spiritualiteit en Wetenschap, ed. Iteke Weeda, Anthos, 1996: 117-122.

"La palabra no olvida de dónde vino: Para una poética dialógica de la diferencia", in Breve historia feminista de la literatura española, Anthropos, 1993: 77-124.

"Framing Contexts, Gendered Evaluations, and the Anthological Subject", in The Politics of Editing, ed. N. Spadaccini & J. Talens, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1992: 139-155.

"El misterio entre el comunicar y el no querer o no poder decir", in Discurso erotico y discurso transgresor en la cultura peninsular, ed. I.M. Zavala & M. Diocaretz, Madrid: Tuero, 1992: 1-10.

"The Given and the Created: The Infinite Cities of Language", in Feminist Critical Negotiations, ed. A. Parker & E. Meese, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992: 169-178. First published in TROIS (Québec) 5 1/2 (1989): 184-90.

"El sociotexto: el entimema y la matriherencia en los textos de mujeres", in Sociocriticas: Practicas textuales, Culturas de fronteras, ed. P. Malcuzynski, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991: 129-144.

"'I will be a scandal in your boat': Women Poets and the Tradition", in Knives and Angels: Women Writers in Latin America, ed. Susan Bassnett, London & New Jersey: Zed Books, 1990: 86-109.

"Seven Aspects of Steinese", Avant-Garde: Femmes/Frauen/Women, special issue, 4, 1990: 27-43.

"Para el discernimiento del patrimonio femenino del sociotexto", Discurso. Revista Internacional de Semiótica, Sevilla, Spain, 5, 1990.

"Bakhtin, Discourse, and Feminist Theories", in The Bakhtin Circle Today, Critical Studies, Vol. 1, No.2, 1989: 27-43.

"Het woord vergeet niet waar het geweest is: De communicatietheorie van Bakhtin als perspectief for feministische literatuurkritiek", LOVER 89/1: 8-16. Trans. Renée Hoogland.

"Sieving the Matriheritage of the Sociotext", in The Difference Within: Feminism and Critical Theory, ed. E. Meese & A. Parker, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1989: 115-147.

"'Look What He Has Already Done to Me': Modality and Temple Drake", in Faulkner's Discourse, ed. L. Hönnighausen, Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1989: 214-22.

"Juryrapport, Anna Bijns Prijs 1987: Ellen Warmond", Den Haag: Querido, 1987: 11-29.

"The Poetics of the Social Text and Writing by Women", Knjizevnost 8/9 (1986) 1471-79, trans. to Croatian by A. Kontrec.

"Faulkner's Hen-House: Woman as Bounded Text" in Faulkner and Women, ed. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie, Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1986: 235-269.

"Black North-American Women Poets in the Semiotics of Culture" in Women, Feminist Identity and Society in the 1980's, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985: 37-60.

"'Mijn Naam Is Van Mij Van Mij Van Mij': Zwarte noordamerikaanse dichteressen in haar context", LOVER 4 (1984): 188-197.

"Faulkner's Spanish Voice/s" in Faulkner: International Perspectives, eds. D. Fowler and A. J. Abadie, Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1984: 30-59 & 320-324.

"Een brug slaan tussen vertalen en vrouwenstudies", Congresbundel Winteruniversiteit Vrouwenstudies, Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit, 1983: 52-57. Trans. R. Lemaire.

"'The Waste Land' and The Sound and the Fury: Two Concurrent Interpretations of Modern Society", Acta Literaria, I/1, (1975): 17-54.

 6. Translations into Spanish (poems and essays by other authors)

Ø Translated by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz, essay by A.Rich, “Apuntes para una política de la Localización” in Molinos (Marzo 1986): 21-37.

Ø Requested by Margaret Randall, Ventana, Nicaragua, 14 mayo 1983, “Mujeres poetas norteamericanas, II parte (a selection of poems by contemporary American women poets translated into Spanish by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz).

Ø Upon invitation from Margaret Randall, Ventana 23 abril 1983, “Antología de la poesía contemporánea de E.E.U.U." I parte (a selection of poems by contemporary American women poets translated into Spanish by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz).

Ø Compendium IV (California) (September 1980) (poetry by Adrienne Rich).

Ø FEM (México) vol.IV, No. 14 (Mayo-junio 1980) (poetry).

Ø Acta Literaria (Chile) 3/4 (1978-79) (poetry).

7. Articles and reviews in newspapers and magazines (selected)

Ø A series of articles on English and American literature (Tennessee Williams, Shakespeare, and W. Faulkner) in the Cultural section of a Chilean newspaper; articles in Revista Paula (Chile) including an interview with Dr. Carl Djerassi, the "father" of the contraceptive pill, and a report on the New York Woman's Salon. Creator of "Imágenes Culturales", a radio program on culture for the University Radio Station, Concepción. 

8. Introductions by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz (selected)

Ø “El misterio entre el comunicar y el no querer o no poder decir” in Discurso erótico y discurso transgressor en la cultura peninsular, Co-editor. M. Díaz-Diocaretz & I. M. Zavala, Madrid: Tuero, 1992: 1-9.

Ø “The Bakhtin Circle Today”, Critical Studies ½ (1989), Introduction by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz, 1-18

Ø “Présentation”, M. Diaz-Diocaretz with F. van Rossum-Guyon in Hélène Cixous, Chemins d’une écriture, Paris: PUV, 1990

Ø “Editorial”, Critical Studies Vol.1 No.1 (1989)

Ø “Approaches to Poetics of the Lyric: Introduction” in Approaches to Discourse, Poetics, and Psychiatry, eds. I.M. Zavala, T.A. van Dijk, M. Díaz-Diocaretz, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987: 125-29

Ø “Introducción” in Adrienne Rich: Antología Poética, Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz Madrid: Visor, 1986: 9-17

Ø "Introducción: La mujer en cambio” in Molinos (March 86): 2-3

9. Reviews, reports by Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz (selected

Ø M. Bakhtin and the Epistemology of Discourse, International Conference at the Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e di Linguistica, Urbino, 1989, The Bakhtin Newsletter

Ø International Report on the Conference The Politics and Poetics of Women’s Writing (Dubrovnik, March-April 1986), in Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol.9 No.5 (1986): ii-iii.

Ø “Black Sister: Poetry by Black American Women, 1746-1980”, 13th Moon Vol.VI, 1&2 (1983): 137-141.

Ø “The Poet in America: 1650 to the Present, by A. Gelpi”, Acta Literaria, 1/2 (1977): 129-131.