Welcome to the official website of Myriam Diocaretz [Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz]

Poet, translator, editor, researcher, born in Chile, of Dutch nationality. She lived in California and  New York, where she studied first at Stanford University (MA in English and American Literature), followed by a post-graduate year at the University of California-Irvine (Critical Studies), and obtained her PhD at the State University of New York at Stony Brook specialising in Comparative Literature. As a researcher she was affiliated to the literature department at Utrecht University, and Discourse Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She has lectured and given numerous poetry readings in the United States and Europe.

Myriam Diocaretz started to expand her reflections towards a new Humanism while she was Socrates Professor, with the “Extraordinary Chair  in Humanism in the Digital Society” (Bijzonder Socrates Leerstoel, “Humanistische visies op de electronische samenleving”), academic position which she held first at the Institute for Knowledge and Agent Technology at Maastricht University (2007-2008) , and subsequently at the Tilburg Centre for Cognition and Communication at Tilburg University (2009-2013). Her research relates philosophy, humanism, ICT, Artificial Intelligence, Social Robotics, as well as Future and Emerging Technology.

For several years she was an international consultant for digitisation processes through her enterprise MDD-Consultancy / Information Society Services.

Myriam Diocaretz has lectured in Europe and the United States on critical studies, digital subjects, eCulture, the digital age and authors’ rights, and on Humanism and Converging Technologies. She is the author, editor, and co-editor of several books and studies, and over fifty scholarly essays and chapters in English, French and Spanish on poetics, translation studies, gender, and dialogical criticism. Selections of her poetry (originally written in Spanish) have been published in literary journals and anthologies in Latin America and Europe, and have been translated into English, Croatian, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, and Dutch. Selected essays have been translated into Spanish, and Italian. Since 2001 she has published research and co-edited reports on ICT innovation, e-publishing, e-content, mobile Internet services, and later she edited several collections on authors’ rights and copyright in the digital world, on behalf of EWC.

She is the founder and general editor of the international interdisciplinary academic series Critical Studies, published by Brill Critical Studies (brill.com)She also continues to collaborate with the EU’s European Research Executive Agency (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency as an Expert Evaluator, Reviewer and Vice Chair.

As an academic editor she established five scholarly book series in English, French, and Spanish including Cultura y Diferencia, Barcelona: Anthropos. It is noteworthy that six volumes of this series of critical studies on feminism and women in Spanish Literature, directed by M. Diocaretz, and coordinated by Iris M. Zavala† under the title of "Breve historia feminista de la literatura española (en lengua castellana)" is listed among the ten most highly consulted works between 2007-2019 at the National Library of Spain. https://elpais.com/cultura/2020-08-04/las-obras-mas-solicitadas-de-la-biblioteca-nacional.html   

Ref.: Breve Historia feminista de la literatura española (en lengua castellana), I-VI. Serie dirigida por Myriam Diocaretz y coordinada por Iris M. Zavala.  Cultura y Diferencia: Teorías feministas y cultura contemporánea. Pensamiento Crítico/Pensamiento Utópico. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Dr. Diocaretz was the Secretary-General of the European Writers’ Council / la Fédération des associations européennes d'écrivains from April 2006 to October 2022, «EWC-FAEE A.I.S.B.L.» (Brussels), the federation of authors’ (writers and literary translators) national and trans-national associations in over 34 European countries. EWC’s mission is to advocate for the authors’ moral, legal, social, and economic rights in the 21st century, including copyright in the digital age. Representing EWC, she was a member of the i2010 digital libraries High Level Expert Group—Copyright Subgroup (INFSO & Media, 2006-2008). In June 2022, the EWC Board and Assembly appointed Myriam Diocaretz as the first "Ambassador of the EWC," an honour and recognition for her years of service on behalf of writers and translators.

A revised and augmented bilingual edition of Myriam Diocaretz's Spanish translations of a selection of Adrienne Rich's poetry was published by Visor (Madrid, Spain). It contains the poems of the first edition in 1986 with a Prologue by Adrienne Rich, with the addition of "Blue Rock".

Adrienne Rich - Antología poética

Selección y traducción de Myriam Diocaretz
Prólogo de Adrienne Rich
Colección Visor de Poesía
Madrid: Visor Libros, 2020. 295 pp.
ISBN: 978-84-9895-414-2
© Herederos de Adrienne Rich
De la presente edición: © VISOR LIBROS, Isaac Peral, 18 - 28015 Madrid
De la selección, introducción, y traducción:
© Myriam Diocaretz
Impreso en España - Printed in Spain

Myriam Diocaretz, with former European Commissioner Michel Barnier, Directorate General for Internal Market and Services. Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding on greater access to books for the visually and print-impaired, 14 September 2010, Brussels. Other co-signatories included associations of European publishers, of European libraries, collective management organisations, and European associations representing  the visually and print-impaired people and other groups with reading disabilities in Europe.

M.Diocaretz signing MoU